Monday Mens B & Thursday Recreational
6v6 Outdoor Mens
- 8 Games and 2 Playoff/Consolation
- Game Times 8:30pm, 9:25pm & 10:25pm
- 10 Team Jerseys for the first 10 teams to register
- + $50 a week for referee fees (must be paid before the game)
- Individuals $75 per player (ref fee and jersey included) Individual Keeper Fee $50
Monday Mens Competitive
Competitive A Division
- 10 Team Jerseys for the first 10 teams to register
- $50 a week for referee fees (must be paid before the game)
- 8 Games and 2 Playoff/Consolation
- Game Times 8:30pm, 9:25pm & 10:25pm
- CASH Prize for the Winner $2000 plus following seasons team fees
- CASH Prize 2nd Place $500 plus 1/2 off following season team fee

Outdoor Team Requirements
- Players must be 16 and older
- Must wear Matching Uniforms, Black Shorts, Black Socks, Shin Guards
- Cleats or Turfs allowed
- All players must have a current $25 Annual Facility Membership Fee